Configuring pyramid_zipkin ========================== Required configuration settings ------------------------------- zipkin.transport_handler ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A callback function which takes a single `message data` parameter. A sample method can be something like this: A) FOR `kafka` TRANSPORT: .. code-block:: python from kafka import SimpleProducer, KafkaClient def kafka_handler(stream_name, message): kafka = KafkaClient('{0}:{1}'.format('localhost', 9092)) producer = SimpleProducer(kafka, async=True) producer.send_messages(stream_name, message) The above example uses python package `kafka-python `_. B) FOR `scribe` TRANSPORT: .. code-block:: python import base64 from scribe import scribe from thrift.transport import TTransport, TSocket from thrift.protocol import TBinaryProtocol def scribe_handler(stream_name, message): socket = TSocket.TSocket(host="HOST", port=9999) transport = TTransport.TFramedTransport(socket) protocol = TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocol( trans=transport, strictRead=False, strictWrite=False) client = scribe.Client(protocol) message_b64 = base64.b64encode(message).strip() log_entry = scribe.LogEntry(stream_name, message_b64) result = client.Log(messages=[log_entry]) if result == 0: print 'success' The above example uses python package `facebook-scribe `_ for the scribe APIs but any similar package can do the work. Optional configuration settings ------------------------------- All below settings are optional and have a sane default functionality set. These can be used to fine tune as per your use case. service_name ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A string representing the name of the service under instrumentation. It defaults to `unknown`. zipkin.blacklisted_paths ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A list of paths as strings, regex strings, or compiled regexes, any of which if matched with the request path will not be sampled. Pre-compiled regexes will be the fastest. Defaults to `[]`. Example: .. code-block:: python 'zipkin.blacklisted_paths': [r'^/status/?',] zipkin.blacklisted_routes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A list of routes as strings any of which if matched with the request route will not be sampled. Defaults to `[]`. Example: .. code-block:: python 'zipkin.blacklisted_routes': ['some_internal_route',] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The host ip that is used for zipkin spans. If not given, host will be automatically determined. zipkin.port ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The port that is used for zipkin spans. If not given, port will be automatically determined. zipkin.stream_name ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A log name to log Zipkin spans to. Defaults to 'zipkin'. zipkin.tracing_percent ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A number between 0.0 and 100.0 to control how many request calls get sampled. Defaults to `0.50`. Example: .. code-block:: python 'zipkin.tracing_percent': 100.0 # Trace all the calls. zipkin.trace_id_generator ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A method definition to generate a `trace_id` for the request. This is useful if you, say, have a unique_request_id you'd like to preserve. The trace_id must be a 64-bit hex string (e.g. '17133d482ba4f605'). By default, it creates a random trace id. The method MUST take `request` as a parameter (so that you can make trace id deterministic). zipkin.create_zipkin_attr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A method that takes `request` and creates a ZipkinAttrs object. This can be used to generate span_id, parent_id or other ZipkinAttrs fields based on request parameters. The method MUST take `request` as a parametr and return a ZipkinAttrs object. zipkin.is_tracing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A method that takes `request` and determines if the request should be traced. This can be used to determine if a request is traced based on custom application specific logic. The method MUST take `request` as a parameter and return a Boolean. zipkin.set_extra_binary_annotations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A method that takes `request` and `response` objects as parameters and produces extra binary annotations. If this config is omitted, only `http.uri` and `http.uri.qs` are added as binary annotations. The return value of the callback must be a dictionary, and all keys and values must be in `str` format. Example: .. code-block:: python def set_binary_annotations(request, response): return {'view': get_view(request)} settings['zipkin.set_extra_binary_annotations'] = set_binary_annotations zipkin.always_emit_zipkin_headers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whether to forward the Zipkin's headers if the request is not being sampled. Defaults to True. Set to False if you're really concerned with performance as it'll save you about 300us on every non-traced request. zipkin.request_context ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If it contains a valid request attribute, this specifies the stack for storing the zipin attributes. If the name is invalid or the option is missing, attributes will be stored in a thread local context. The syntax is a path in dotted notation, e.g. 'request.context.zipkin'. This option enables support for an cooperative multithreading environment (e.g. asyncio). .. code-block:: python settings['zipkin.request_context'] = 'request.context.zipkin' zipkin.post_handler_hook ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Callback function for processing actions after the tween functionality is executed and before the response is sent back. The actions for example could be to modify the response headers. .. code-block:: python settings['zipkin.post_handler_hook'] = post_handler_hook def post_handler_hook(request, response): do_some_work(response) zipkin.firehose_handler [EXPERIMENTAL] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Callback function for "firehose tracing" mode. This will log 100% of the spans to this handler, regardless of sampling decision. This is experimental and may change or be removed at any time without warning. Configuring your application ---------------------------- These settings can be added at Pyramid application setup like so: .. code-block:: python def main(global_config, **settings): # ... settings['service_name'] = 'zipkin' settings['zipkin.transport_handler'] = scribe_handler settings['zipkin.stream_name'] = 'zipkin_log' settings['zipkin.blacklisted_paths'] = [r'^/foo/?'] settings['zipkin.blacklisted_routes'] = ['bar'] settings['zipkin.trace_id_generator'] = lambda req: '0x42' settings['zipkin.set_extra_binary_annotations'] = lambda req, resp: {'attr': str(req.attr)} # ...and so on with the other settings... config = Configurator(settings=settings) config.include('pyramid_zipkin')